Chemical & Colorant Solutions for Plastic Industry
Our Sorasolve solvent dyes are characterized by their high chroma, low cost, and ease-of-use. These products are generally useful for the coloration of engineering resins, such as polystyrene, polycarbonate, nylon, PET, and ABS. Request additional information on specific recommendations on light- and heat-fastness and products which are available for food contact applications. Our Sorawhite optical brighteners allow further enhancing of plastics to gain brighter whites and allow for brand specific packaging.
The Sorament pigments are selected, high-performance products which offer a latitude of colors. These pigments are offered with excellent lightfastness, high durability, and resistance to heat and chemical degradation. Our application lab is available for specific colorant requests.
Organic Pigments provide solutions to various plastics applications including polyolefins, PVC, PS, PUR, rubber, fiber and other plastics applications.

Plastic Dye & Pigment
Sorasolve solvent dyes and inorganic and organic pigments offer many options for dying various types of plastics. Sorasolve dyes will provide brilliant hues from a wide spectrum. They have low viscosity and low insoluble properties. Our pigments are rich solutions to plastic dyeing, with our carbon black product being a low-cost, yet effective dyeing solution.

Organic Pigments
Water-based organic pigments provide high quality pigment solutions for plastics applications. Suitable for polyefins, PVC, PS, PUR, rubber, and fiber applications. A wide range of products are available that are designed for specific applications.